Happy Birthday! Macro challenge, day 5

A close up of a cupcake

Day 5 of the macro challenge – this is a shot of a cupcake baked for my Grandma’s 90th tomorrow. I was tempted to turn it into black and white to hide it’s identity and present it as a rock formation – I love the fact that this looks almost geological. But I decided in the end to keep it as its true colours….it’s more tempting that way.

I only hope it tastes as good as it looks.


Spot the skier – day 4 of the macro challenge

Ice formations on my ice-cube drawer in the shape of a skier

This is my chosen image from day 4 of my macro challenge. It’s actually a shot of my ice-cube drawer in my freezer, but the ice crystals have formed in such a way that if you look real close, you can see a skier. It’s a bit of a ‘where’s Wally’ moment, but I promise you he is really there!



Macro challenge day three – a raindrop

A raindrop on a leaf

It was quite appropriate that the weather should turn today as it inspired me to consider a shot of raindrops – and where more beautiful than on a leaf?

Whilst on our recent holiday in Costa Rica I experimented a lot with macro photography of flowers, so it was nice to try this again when back home in the UK. I confess, I did / do feel a bit of a fraud going for a shot I know would work well on subjects I am practised in, but never-the-less I am happy with the result.

The secret life of a cushion (macro challenge night 2)

A close up of a fibre on a cushion

Night two of my month long macro challenge has been and gone. This was the result of my effort this evening. I have called it ”The secret life of a cushion’. It’s a close up of one of the fibres on a cushion.

I found this really hard tonight – it took me ages to get this shot and I really struggled with inspiration. This is one of the shots I took early on in the evening but then wasn’t too happy with it so I tried different subjects: stuffed toys, candles and  door peep holes, but I eventually (with some persuasion from Ali) chose to feature this one.

I am now racking my brains to think of what I can shoot tomorrow night- this is much harder than I thought it would be!

A new challenge for July

A spider's web up closeI

I (ok, we) have decided to set myself a new challenge…After enjoying using the macro lens in Costa Rica, Ali has set me the challenge of creating a new macro photograph every day this month (July).

I have had my first bash at it tonight and I tell you, it’s tricky! It’s hard to not only find subjects, but also to use the manual focus and manage the depth of field to get the shots you need. Simple static objects were the hardest – even when shot with extra lighting and a high (1000) ISO they still came out blurred – alas, my Independence Day Krispy Kreme donut shots will not see the light of day.

For some reason (practise and habit!?) I find it easier to work with living objects, so I turned my eye to flies and spiders on our roof top plants. This is when I got this shot of a spider’s web.I think / hope I can improve on this over the coming month…watch and see.