Photos and places that we have overlooked…

Meandering Path

So focused, were we, on our wildlife photos that we totally omitted to upload some of our favourite landscape shots from when we went to the Western Cape of South Africa last June. Here’s one of my favourites (above), it was taken in Tankwa Karoo National Park, a small but stunning park in which you are free to roam on foot and by car as you please. We had the pleasure of staying in a stunning century old cottage with no electricity. Hot running water was provided only via a donkey boiler – for which you had to build and maintain a fire. The only bath provided was a rusted old bath placed to the side of the cottage in the grand open air, which you filled with boiling water from pans, and then enjoyed the most scenic bath possible (see below). It was, in one word, heaven.

Tankwa is not a hugely popular park, and what little accommodation is available  is very private and spread out, so for the three nights we stayed there we saw just 3 others cars and 2 motorbikes. Only one car drove near the cottage that entire time. However, we did have regular visitors in the form of eagles, antelope and small birds, all who appreciated the wee water hole in front of the cottage.

Tankwa was at it’s best just before sunset – the image taken above was captured about an hour before sunset during the ‘golden hour,’ during which time the sun kissed the mountains and fauna, bathing them in a stunning amber light which was amply reflected against a stunning blue sky. It was an absolute privilege to witness it each night. The image conveys the utter stillness and silence of the place. Even insects quieten at this time of the day. If I lived in South Africa this would be my bolthole – my place to escape too and be reminded of the wonder of the natural world.

Further images from Tankwa Karoo are available in the Taraji Blue South Africa photo gallery. 

cottage Tankwa
Tankwa bath

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