Rock Formations – The New Obsession

Flamborough cliffs

Ever since we saw the incredible rock formations of Greenland’s seascapes (see bottom picture) we’ve become hooked on photographing geology. We’ve found the coastlines of the UK especially fruitful for wierd and wonderful rock formations. I have chosen our top three geology images to share with you today.

The most recent is the shot above – It’s of Flamborough cliffs in East Yorkshire, taken from on-board the Yorkshire Belle on an RSPB cruise. I love the undulations and the way the vegetation hugs the chalk cliffs, but most of all I love the sense of scale…if you look to the bottom of the photo you’ll see a puffin taking off from the water and guillemots on the coastline. We’ve called this “History Repeated”.

Part of a crumpled, warped C shape layer of rock is shown just beneath the top of the cliffs at the Butt of Lewis, Outer Hebrides.

The photo above we call “History C”. It’s part of a crumpled, warped C shape layer of rock located just beneath the top of the cliffs at the Butt of Lewis, Outer Hebrides. We had to climb quite a way down the cliffs to discover and photograph this image.

The image below is what started the whole obsession “History V”. Taken aboard the MS Expedition in Arctic Greenland. It’s an incredible and graphical image highlighting the power of nature and the age of our planet.

The rock formations of Arctic Greenland

Additional photos are available in our TarajiBlue photo gallery.

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