Lazy brunches, long lunches and starlight dinners

Isn’t this what France is all about? Lazy brunches, long lunches of french onion soup and crepes, and dinner served on the cobbles. The outside cafes and restaurants of Saumur were a delight – not only for the food they served up, but also to wander between.

This photo ends our week long celebration of France here on Taraji Blue. I hope you enjoyed the pictures and experiences we shared. We welcome any comments and feedback.

If you like this picture, please feel free to share using the social media links provided.

For more images, visit the Taraji Blue photo gallery.

You can also show your support for Taraji Blue by liking us on facebook at following us on twitter and connecting with Alistair and myself on Google+


Shards at Mont Blanc

We’ve called this photo ‘Ancient Eruption’.  It features massive spears of rock which rise into the sky near Mont Blanc, France. I share this to continue our French theme this week here on Taraji Blue.

This picture continues our week long focus on France. If you like this picture, please feel free to share using the social media links provided.

For more images, visit the Taraji Blue photo gallery.

You can also show your support for Taraji Blue by liking us on facebook at following us on twitter and connecting with Alistair and myself on Google+


Castles in the sky

To continue our French theme this week, I am sharing this image of Saumur Castle. I love its position, not only high above the city it’s also elevated above a number of walkways from where you can obtain an unusual perspective on this wonderful building.

If you like this picture, please feel free to share using the social media links provided.

This picture continues our “France” celebration here on Taraji Blue which lasts all week. For more images from Taraji Blue please visit our online photo gallery.

You can also show your support for Taraji Blue by liking us on facebook at following us on twitter and connecting with Alistair and myself on Google+

Like a sore thumb

Three sunflowers in bloom stand out in a field of decaying sunflowers

I could not celebrate France without sharing this photo. It features three lonely sunflowers in a field of companions who have passed on. We’d missed the sunflower season and were accustomed to seeing row upon row of dead flowers in the field. That’s why these three caught my eye. I love the colour in the sea of black, and their triumph in the face of adversity.

This photo continues our week long celebration of France.

If you like this picture, please feel free to share using the social media links provided.

For more images of France, visit the Taraji Blue photo gallery.

You can also show your support for Taraji Blue by liking us on facebook at following us on twitter and connecting with Alistair and myself on Google+

I Live Alone

A lonesome farm building in the Loire Valley, France
A lonesome farm building in the Loire Valley, France, captured in wide angle.
I really love the soil patterns and the way they lead they eye to the abandoned old building.
I wonder who lived there? When and why they left?
It must have been quite a lonely life. It’s a good job that the tree is there to offer the house some company.
This photo continues our celebration of all things French here on Taraji Blue this week. If you like this picture, please feel free to share using the social media links provided.

For more of our images from France, visit the Taraji Blue photo gallery.

You can also show your support for Taraji Blue by liking us on facebook at following us on twitter and connecting with Alistair and myself on Google+