Screw you modern conveniences…getting back to nature and loving it!

Olof, Kolarbyn

Welcome to Kolaybyn Eco Lodge in Sweden.

Granted this place is not for everyone…

• You sleep on wooden bed in a wooden hut
• You have to walk to the composting toilets in the dark
• You have birds flying into your cabin through the cracks above the door to wake you up
• Room service is nonexistent – you have to first make a fire and then make your own breakfast…oh and did I mention you need to get water from the well first, taking care not to disturb or displease the fairies who watch over the well?
• You have no showers, baths or running water of any variety. If you need to wash, you do so in the stream or throw yourself into the lake
• Oh – and visit in winter and it is cold…so, so cold. So to warm yourselves up you light a fire… But did I mention you first need to chop the wood yourself?

All the above are reasons why this place is so, so, so incredible. Given that it is a living nightmare for so many people – you’re guaranteed to only stay with like-minded people who love the outdoors and relish every moment with no mobile signal and no electricity. It’s one of my most favourite places to stay of all time…and I did so whilst suffering from raging flu! I dream about this place night and day and I am frantically plotting when I can return.

It’d be wrong of me to write a review and not mention how fantastic the camp managers and guides are who operate out of Kolarbyn. They are so friendly, welcoming and knowledgeable – they’ll advise you on the tastiest mushrooms to pick from the forest, identify the best places to see wildlife and will share their lovely warm coffee with you when you wake from a very late lie in. Bliss!

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