These are the ancient pillars of Jerash, reaching out towards the pristine blue skies of Jordan. The ancient site is now the second most popular tourist attraction in Jordan (after Petra). It’s a welcoming but immense place. As a visitor you are free to roam the pillars, amphitheatres and ancient walkways. Visitors are easily consumed into the vast site, and if you’re prepared to walk to the far side you’re almost guaranteed to have the place to yourself.
Beautiful flowers blossom among the ruins, poppies and fresh grasses carpet the walkways and butterflies flitter in and out of our vision. If you’re visiting Jordan I highly recommend that you make time to explore Jerash.
(For those of you who watch Top Gear – Jerash is where they rallied around the ancient raceway).
This post continues this week’s celebration of Jordan here at Taraji Blue. We welcome your comments and feedback.
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