Flight of the Navigator

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMug

This is a new image, never before shared on the Taraji Blue website.

These wee folks remind me of that old 1980’s movie, ‘Flight of the Navigator.’ They are, in fact, tiny thorn bugs from Costa Rica. Whilst relaxing on the edge of the Tortuguero River one afternoon, I look down from my book to find the floor and my chair legs covered in these wee folks. I immediately grabbed my maco lens and set to work.

The closer I got to these wee bugs the more I fell in love with them. They have an almost comical smile, and the cutest wee, bulging red eyes. They seemed harmless, and were more content munching on the leaves on the riverside than by my proximity to them. A few hours disappeared whilst I had my head in the undergrowth and my bottom pointed to the sky.

Further images of these Thorn Bugs, and of beautiful Costa Rica, are available in the Taraji Blue Costa Rica online photo gallery.

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