A lone iceberg floats in the calm of a Norwegian Fiord. This image was taken during our Arctic Expedition on the MS Expedition in 2010. We spent a glorious 10 nights exploring the fiords and seas of Svalbard, Spitsbergen and Greenland. We encountered many huge icebergs, but this wee one caught my eye. It’s stark contrast and clarity against the blue waters diverted my attention from the stunning scenery we were sailing though. It’s stillness coveys the silence of the Arctic and the remote and rugged beauty of the polar regions. We really must do everything we can to protect the Arctic.
Do your bit – email Obama and help protect the Arctic
Shell has abandoned its plans to drill for oil in the Arctic waters off the coast of Alaska in 2013.
It’s big news. But just the start of something bigger. Now it’s time for President Obama to abandon the idea of Arctic drilling completely and declare the Arctic ‘off limits’ to industrial exploitation, forever.
Shell was supposed to be the best of the best, but the long list of mishaps and near-disasters from the company’s failed attempt to drill in the Arctic last summer is a clear indication even the ‘best’ companies can’t succeed in Arctic drilling.
President Obama and his administration gave Arctic drilling a chance and Shell proved that it isn’t possible. It’s time we kick our addiction to fossil fuels and deal with global warming decisively. That starts today and it starts with leadership from President Obama.
Do your bit and sign the Greenpeace petition today.