Whilst visiting the Arctic in 2010 we were incredibly lucky to see this Blue Whale off the bow of the ship. It is a rare sighting – confirmed as such by the excited squeals and announcements by our crew on the ship’s tannoy. At that evening’s lecture we reflected on the sighting and the crew described it as being as rare as bumping into an old friend out here in the middle of the ocean.
The crew informed that the whale was likely 70 feet long. It was immense. We stayed with the whale for about 15 minutes, watching him blow and swim along until he submerged. This was on route to 80 degrees north – a milestone reached over dinner that night. It was an incredible day.
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This image is the last in this week’s “Arctic” theme here on Taraji Blue. But there are plenty more where this came from. For more of our images from the Arctic, please visit the Taraji Blue Arctic photo gallery.
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