Am I an infrared bore?


I know I am running the risk of turning this into an infrared blog, but I just wanted to share another of my recent shots with you. I have called it “A Farm  In Infrared”. Does what it says on the tin I guess?

It was taken at 28mm, F6.3 using my little ‘yellow’ compact camera and my infrared lens. I used a tripod to steady the camera and used a 6 second exposure. I’m finding this wee Olympus camera performs best at 6-8 seconds exposure, any longer (on a bright day) and it burns the image. Any less, and I start to lose the detail I am seeking.

Once again, I like how infrared has turned an ‘everyday’ scene into something of beauty. It makes you look at the world around you twice and helps you take pictures you’d normally never think of.

This is all good practice for me – as the true test is when I and the little ‘yellow’ camera visit Kruger National Park (South Africa) for some serious infrared photography next month… cannot wait!

For more of my infrared experiments, please see my infrared experiments gallery and review my infrared blog.

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