Danger Lurks (Memories of the Maasai Mara series)


The male impala walks warily across the horizon. Unbeknown to him, he was leading his females directly into the path of a hungry lone lioness returning to her cubs after an unsuccessful night’s hunting.

Impala are unaware of the approaching lioness

We watched helplessly, but transfixed, from our camp in the dawn light. With every minute the light provided an additional glimpse – an additional insight into what lies ahead. Cameras at the ready we set off in the direction of the lion for a dawn walk to see what might become of the impala.

This post is the 12th in the series “Memories of the Maasai Mara” and is an extract from the Taraji Blue book “Memories of the Maasai Mara” …


Ever since our first visit to Kenya in 2005 we’d fallen in love with the continent and had longed to return. For four years we’d played our Africa CDs daily and viewed our photos longingly, anticipating the day we would return. Back in 2009 we had our chance…

Each morning we bounded out of our beds and into the wilderness, eager and hopeful of what the day would bring. We owe much of our success to the fantastic guides and staff of the Kicheche Bush Camp, Mara Safari Club and David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, who we cannot praise enough and to whom we long to return.

It is through our experiences and time in Kenya that we tell, and re-live, our memories of this amazing continent, and above all, of the Maasai Mara.

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