Ok, so when I set myself a bucket list in January 2012 I decided what things I wanted to achieve by the time I turned 40. Now not all of them are photography or wildlife related, but two of them were. One was to see a fox in the wild in the UK (and I am delighted that we achieved that), and the second was to see an owl in the wild.
Now I have seen owls in South Africa this year, but for some reason I feel it doesn’t count, maybe it is because it seemed a little easy to be out on a night drive with an expert safari ranger to spot the owls – or maybe it is because I want to find it by myself in the UK where wildlife spotting can be a particular challenge.
Regardless, it remains an ambition of mine, and if anyone has any hints or tips that might help I’d really appreciate it! Until then, owl keep my fingers crossed for a sighting (groan!).