New photo gallery now available: Costa Rica

A small white-faced capuchin tears through the trees in Tortuguero

We’ve done it! It’s taken a wee while, but we’ve finally sorted and processed our photography from our trip to Costa Rica in June 2011.

We took literally thousands of pictures, so it’s taken some time to sort and order them – especially because my macro challenge distracted me from the task at hand for a month. Never-the-less, we hunkered down and focussed today and it’s now all done! They are now available to view online. and I hope you like them! To us, they’re a fantastic reminder of an amazing holiday but I hope that they are also enjoyable to view if you’ve not had a chance to visit this incredible destination. I would like them to provide you with a tiny glimpse into the diversity and beauty of Costa Rica.

For me, Costa Rica was a place that re/introduced me to new styles of photography;

a) I fell back in love with landscape photography – especially in the rainforests and on the canals of Tortuguero. Our new Canon wide angle 10-22mm lens helped rekindle my passion somewhat.

b) I discovered macro photography 🙂 Need I say more!!

c) I had the opportunity to watch and learn as Ali took some absolutely incredible night shots of the milky way (these will follow at a later date…. the best things come to those who wait)  😉

A selection of our best shots are now available online, and I welcome your thoughts and feedback. I’ll keep you posted as additional photos are uploaded.


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