Day 11 of the macro challenge, and I am delighted with my experiments with a Slinky (Although I almost had myself in knots trying to hold the slinky in a coiled position with my toes, whilst trying to focus and hold the camera steady to take the shot).
I found it hard to choose between the shots today – to flash or not to flash was the question. In the end I opted for the shot taken with flash, because I loved the depth of colour and reflection it provided. This was taken at ISO 2000 at f/3.5, shutter speed 1/13 sec.
As a quick tally, to date (during the challenge) I have taken and reviewed at least 329 macro shots….that’s more than 32 a night! I don’t know whether that says more about my dedication than my indecisiveness? Regardless, I am finding the challenge easier now – after 11 days I am starting to enjoy the daily task and am starting to be more confident in the shots I take and am finding it takes me less and less time to ‘nail’ a suitable shot (it’s a good job, because the first week I was struggling to find time to do anything other than macro!)
I hope you are enjoying this blog and challenge as much as I am. I welcome any feedback – after all, I am learning as I go. Let me know what you think!
It’s a pleasure, thanks for the lovely comment.