When Dreams Do Come True

Well, those who know me well, or had been following  my Kalahari trip reports in 2012,  will know I am obsessed with owls. Totally and utterly obsessed. You can, therefore, imagine my joy when my lovely sister and her lovely man got my husband and I a birds of prey experience day for our birthdays last year. After much anticipation we took the experience in Autumn 2012 and I loved it. I was able to handle and fly barn owls, large spotted eagle owls, falcons and  hawks 🙂 I was in my element.

Here’s some of the highlights from the day…

We had the opportunity to hold and fly falcons… this wee man was not intent on sitting pretty and had quite a lot to say about being tied to me!

A falcon swoops onto my falconry glove and makes an attempt to escape

Midgit, the tiny, tiny African Scops Owl, who can never fail to raise a smile. Even amoung the men 🙂

Meet Midgit, the tiny African Scops Owl

And finally, Mr Chips, An Asian Brown Wood Owl, who stole my heart. he’s just so fuzzy! 🙂

An Asian Brown Wood Owl


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